Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Searching tirelessly for email addresses, cutting and pasting the information, adding the ribbon, making sure I make note of who I've contacted, saving everything to the 'Lighting Requests 2014' folder...and on and on it goes.

Yes it's relatively tedious, but again this year there aren't many doing it. Yes, there are more than last year, of which I'm VERY grateful, but I'm curious why more people don't get involved in this aspect of the awareness day.

It is very, very satisfying and fulfilling when a place says yes, and in the UK a few people have really added to our success. However, either places say no, because of money, or they don't support causes, or they have a list of causes that they already support, or they simply don't have the facilities, or they just don't reply.

I appreciate that people don't want their name in the newspaper or they don't want to appear on their local news (that's proven to be the most effective and yet people aren't prepared to do it), but a lighting request is something they really can achieve. As there are many more if us involved in this years campaign, there is a lot more support and I for one, don't feel as stressed or under pressure. The result of several very stressful months really took their toll last year and I was physically and emotionally unwell for quite a few months.

What I really don't understand is this.

Some of us are doing everything we can possibly think of to raise awareness. Talking about and focusing on the actual awareness day is such a positive thing. That's the day we can explain why a nearby landmark is lit up in a glorious teal colour. That's the day we will get the media involved, we will make people listen. And yet, every single day there are people complaining that TN and a Facial Pain Disorders aren't understood or they remain unknown. These people are free to get involved and help raise awareness, or to help educate their local community, hospital, dental practice, chiropractor, etc etc. But instead, they won't do any of those things. They won't donate £5 or $5 or any other amount to support the hard work that's happening by some individuals who want to light up a famous old landmark. In the UK a lot of places don't have the facilities to light up, let alone in a certain colour. Anyway, my point is, that people appear to prefer to complain about the lack of awareness, than to actually help out and show some faith in what we've already achieved.

It is a mentality that I'll never understand. In my attempts to not give a rude response, I tend not to reply if someone in a support group complains about lack of understanding and awareness. My reply would be easy, I'd simply say 'Change it then'!