Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Little Advice and Advertising!

Several years ago I met an amazing musician who had been called upon at the last minute to save a group of amateur dramatics from missing their opening night. His talent was something you could hardly miss, he was far too good to be there, but out of generosity he did the week long performance and helped the drama society out.
As years passed I forgot about him, until seeing his name on a friends Facebook page. For the life of me I couldn't place him so I had to message him and ask how I knew him. We finally worked it out and it was only then that I remembered how talented he was. He sent me a link to his website which had a full list of all the CDs he'd made or featured on. Imagine my surprise when I realised that I owned several of his albums and they were ones I listened to quite regularly for relaxation, meditation or some crystal therapy.
Since then I've bought more of his CDs. Not because I want to do him a favour and boost his sales, I don't believe he'd appreciate that being anyone's reason to want to own his work. But there is the luxury, on his site, to have a listen to each CD before you purchase them. In recent years I've bought some excellent music, which is why I want to share the link to his website.
Anyone who finds relaxation to be beneficial would really benefit from a quick look and listen. I can assure you,that Chris Conway either already is, or will be, a part of your CD collection and his music will certainly become a tool to help you relax and find peaceful sleep.
I will resist sharing my personal favourites, because nobody is drawn to exactly the same piece of music. In the same way that I don't find the sound of water relaxing, someone might find my choice to be anything other than therapeutic.
Please find a few minutes to have a look and a listen.


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